Drew Bezanson was over in Paris France this past week for the Redbull Skylines Contest. The course was sick & Drew was shredding it. Check out the edits that Redbull, Freedom BMX & JC Pieri’s put together of the event after the jump.
Author: Sam Buros
Coffin Grind Box in Ecuador
Check out the sweet coffin grind box that Marco Calder?n from our Ecuadorian distributor Zona Extrema built for their contest this weekend. It’s sooooo awesome.
Simone Barraco : Freedom BMX Bike Check
Simone Barraco has a new bike check up on Freedom BMX that was done on the recent Shadow Germany KIL Tour. That Dr. Maroon Subrosa Noster frame frame is looking pretty sweet.
Shadow X QBMX So Cal KIL Tour
The Shadow X QBMX So Cal KIL Tour kicks of this Sunday (11/4) at East County BMX Shop. Head on out to ride the coffin grid box & hang with the Shadow Crew. Get all the details after the jump.
RideOn Indoor Park Halloween Jam
The crew at RideOn Indoor Park & Store in Brisbane Australia are having a Halloween Jam this coming Saturday (11/3) starting at 3PM. If you’re in the area, put your Halloween costume back on & come on out cause it’s going to be a good time.
Happy Halloween from Sparkys!
Halloween at Sparkys Distribution (our home base) is always an awesome time. You never quite know who, or what is going to come through the front door. Check out all the costumes.
Paul Ryan Freedom BMX Mag Cover
Big congrats to Paul Ryan for getting the latest cover of Freedom BMX Mag. The crew from the magazine covered the Shadow KIL Tour in Germany and the article is in the new issue of the mag.
Trey Jones : Fox Edit
Trey Jones has a new Fox edit out. Hit the link to travel along with Trey as he sessions a few of his local Florida parks for all they’re worth.
Simone Barraco Subrosa Bike Check
Simone Barraco has a new bike check over on the Subrosa site. He’s rockin’ a lot of prototype parts from Shadow & Subrosa on his latest ride so be sure to hit the link to check it all out.
Shadow X QBMX So Cal KIL Tour
The Shadow crew is headed to Southern California the first week of November for a KIL Shop Tour in conjunction with QBMX. Hit the following link for all the info and dates.