Tag: dig bmx
Vans Unfiltered Paris ft. Simone Barraco
Greg Lanthorne – “Still Shredding at 57” via DIG
Trey Jones ‘IN THE CUT’ via DIG
Isaac Lesser – “The Great Indoors” Via DIGBMX
Via DigBMX Ahhh, the smell of pine, birding singing and the sounds of the camp fire crackling away… Not what you’d expect to experience in the city of Belfast, Northern Ireland, but dig a little deeper and you can find a piece of indoor paradise at The Ramp House skatepark. Isaac Lesser did just that […]
Joris Coulomb in – “STAY OM”
“In the times before our recent worldwide pandemic scare of the Covid-19 virus, we were all basking in the sunlit privileges of a free world, traveling and riding BMX anywhere and everywhere we could imagine. Sharing drinks, food or a simple handshake has now become a frightful sight for most… even punishable by law. So, […]
Barna Mids Video
From DIG: “David Schaller and a squad of nine of the bois did the seasonal migration to Barcelona for a week after Simple Session and came home with this lil’ guy. Featuring Mark Burnett, Bjarki Hardarson, Jiri Blabol, Miguel Smajli, Artur Meister and more.” “There was no real mission going on this trip, just 9 […]
After the “Don of the Streets” Jam in NYC, Joris Coulomb and Mark Burnett stuck around with a few other riders for “DIG House NYC.” Here is what DIG had to Say: “We decided to invite seven riders for seven days in Brooklyn, New York – the week after Austin Augie’s inaugural D.O.T.S. jam – […]
Winter Welcome Jam – “In the Cut” Via DIG BMX
DIG BMX’s latest “In the Cut” video from the Wheel Mill’s “Winter Welcome Jam is out. Watch a behind the scenes look at one of the best bike scene’s , best jams. Trey Jones was in attendance and ripped all the events. Thanks to the Wheel Mill for putting on such a badass event. Here […]
Shadow X Subrosa X DIG – WARSAW RISING
“Hold on to your seats… We joined forces with DIG partners The Shadow Conspiracy and Subrosa for a special ten day trip to the capital of Poland – Warsaw, with none other than Simone Barraco, Mark Burnett, Joris Coulomb and Jiri Blabol. A city somewhat overlooked by the travelling rider, but one that offers so […]