The Dub Jam recently went down in Barcelona and Trey Jones, Simone Barraco & Joris Coulomb were there shreddin’ it up. Hit the link to check out the coverage from Dan’s Comp & The Diggest.
Tag: Simone Barraco (ITA)
Simone Barraco (ITA)
Red Bull keeps connecting the dots with a lot of their latest projects and the new Design Quest series is no exception. Simone Barraco is featured in the latest edit shot in Torino. Interesting for sure, check it out after the jump.
FISE Montpellier 2013: Street Finals
Simone Barraco and Joris Coulomb were at FISE Montpellier this year and rode in the street finals. Two words, TECH & BIG. These dudes are so fun to watch. Hit the link to check out the edit.
Joris Coulomb?s Subrosa Bike Check
Joris has a new bike check up on the Data BMX blog. Built around Simone Barraco’s Noster frame, his new ride is built to shred. Fire up Google translate and get all the info on the build.
Nike Batalla Bonus Video and Wallpaper
Dig BMX Mag just dropped two awesome bonuses from their recent Nike Batalla trip video. An eight minute behind the scenes edit and a desktop wallpaper of Simone Barraco for your computer!
Simone Barraco ESPN X Games Interview
ESPN has a rad little interview with Simone Barraco talking about his preparations for Summer X Games in Barcelona. By the sounds of it, Simone won’t have a bit of trouble being comfortable.
Simone Barraco Strada Tires
The Simone Barraco signature Strada tire is available now! Every detail has been an amazing collaboration of team work from Simone and the designers here at Shadow. Click the link to check out these super wide, ultra grippy street tires.
Simone & Joris – NIKE BATALLA BCN Edit
All productivity in the office just ceased. You MUST stop what you’re doing and WATCH this NOW. Simone Barraco, Joris Coulomb & the rest of the Nike crew just kill it. Un-frickin-believable.
Tom Smith Subrosa Bike Check
Subrosa Brand just posted a new bike check with Shadow Conspiracy AM rider and all around beast Tom Smith. There are bunch of rad new Shadow parts on it so hit the jump to check it out.
Shadow Keep it Local Tour: Ecuador
The Shadow crew including Seth Kimbrough and Simone Barraco are heading south to Quito, Ecuador for the first Keep it Local Tour stop of 2013 brought to you by Zona Extrema.